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Different Types of Translation and its Difficulties

Different Types of Translation and its Difficulties

There are many categories of translation; the translation varies according to the content and the nature of the text.  Here I will mention the most important types of translation as follow:

Legal Translation:

Legal translation is one of the most important translations, which have become increasingly prominent within the corridors of societies in various countries, and the need for it is increasing day after day, due to the interaction and communication between different tongues, especially after globalization. The legal translator has to be familiar with the laws of the respected county. It is necessary to be familiar with the contracts and clauses that establish rights among the citizens of the countries.

Literary Translation:

Literary translation is considered to be more difficult than other types of translation. While doing the literary translation the translator is required to transfer meanings from one language to another, as well as describing the emotional state and feelings experienced by the original author and writer. The literature is full of emotions, history and condition of the respected community, the translator should have the knowledge and information about that community as well as the literary knowledge of that society, and from this standpoint, the translator should be careful; through his skill and experience.

Media translation:

Media translation is one of the translations that are requirements of the times, in light of the proliferation of dozens of media outlets, whether traditional, represented by newspapers and magazines, or electronic ones, which are represented by the Internet and the sites and applications in which they are located, as well as the satellite channels that are not counted. In the current period, the news is transmitted at a great speed between various countries, so interest in media translation has increased at present.

Economic Translation:

At present, commercial transactions are spread between countries and each other, whether directly, or through multinational companies, or global stock exchanges etc., so economic translation appeared and spread at a large scale; In order to achieve balance in the light of common interests among businessmen in different countries.

Religious Translation:

The religious translation is one of the translations that have great importance. It is an important means for spreading a specific religion throughout the world, as well as learning about the rules, tradition, customs and laws related to that religion for its adherents in other regions, for example, there are great needs for religious translation related to the noble prophetic hadiths and Islamic jurisprudence for Muslims in non-Arabic speaking countries, such as China, India, Japan, and other countries of the world.

Scientific Translation:

The scientific translation is also among the most important translations, and scientific translation requires components and vocabularies that differ from other translations. Due to the need for familiarity with scientific terms, and any attempt to find alternatives to them in the target language, especially in light of the emergence of new ones from these terms every period. It is important to have good knowledge of scientific terms and new inventions.

Difficulties of Translation

There are many aspects of translation difficulties according to the text and domain of the original document and we can summarize them in the following points:

  • The lack of the same word that conveys the meaning for the translated word is at the forefront of translation difficulties, so the translator should include the closest meanings in the target language as much as possible.
  • Among the translation difficulties is the source language culture. Where the translator must be proficient in that culture; it has a great role in accessing the translated text, and with the required quality in light of the contents of the original text, and it is worth mentioning that one language has more than one culture. For example, English speakers in Britain differ culturally from those of its speakers in America, India or any other country; the same applies to the French language and other languages. To deal with this problem translator has to know the different cultures associated with one language.
  • Among the translation, difficulties are the grammar of the source language. Due to the different languages ​​in it; we find Arabic often begins with the verb, then the subject, then the object, then the adverb, unlike the English language, for example, it begins with the subject, and then the verb and the translator must follow the rules of the target language without prejudice to the meanings in the source language.
  • As we mentioned the importance of grammar in the source language, the researcher must be well versed in the grammar rules related to the target language, so there is no meaning for an in-depth and expert translator in a particular language, and he does not have the identifier in the target language. Therefore, this is among the difficulties of translation, and the successful translator must know this point.
  • Among the translation, difficulties are the culture of the source language. Where the translator must be proficient in that culture; it has a great role in accessing the translated text, and with the required quality in light of the contents of the original text, and it is worth noting that the one language has more than one culture. For example, English speakers in Britain differ culturally from those of its speakers in America, India or any other country; the same applies to the French and other languages.
  • The period in which the original text was written affects the translation process; Due to the difference in pronunciations from time to time in the same language, for example, we find that Old English tends in some of its vocabularies to Latin.
  • Among the difficulties of language is the classification of translation itself, and each type has a systematic way of doing the correct translation.

These are some most important types of translations that play a very important role in the development of society and language itself. Translators face different problems and difficulties while doing the translation of some text, they can overcome these problems by keeping the above-mentioned points in mind.

4 thoughts on “Different Types of Translation and its Difficulties”

  1. The article is very Informative having precise data on the topic.
    Keep it up.
    Thank you
    Basharat Ali.

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